
  • Risultati immagini per environment park

    Environment Park S.p.A. is a Science and Technology Park based in Torino (Italy) whose aim is to foster innovation in the cleantech sector by providing expertise, knowledge and facilities, by building strong partnership with companies and research institutions and by supporting the development of new market solutions including access to R&D grants and finance.


    The business model lies on two business units: Innovation and Development and Real Estate Services. The first provides expertise and testing facilities in Green Building, Plasma Nano-Tech, Green Chemistry, Advanced Energy (energy production and storage) and Clean Tech. The Real Estate Services unit, on the other hand, is the operative area of Environment Park, focusing on the management of the  business area, which covers over 30,000 square metres and hosts around 70 businesses devoted to technological innovation.

    Today, Environment Park is a privileged spokesman for businesses investing in cleantech and thanks to its role as broker of new technologies, the Park together with Consorzio Univer (University of Vercelli), coordinates the Cleantech & Energy innoVation cluster (CLEVER), one of the 7 InnovationClusters of Regione Piemonte.

    CLEVER aims at supporting its members in the development of their innovation path, through the supply of innovationservices, technical and methodological support and dedicated infrastructures. The Cluster is currently composed of more than 250 members, small and medium-sized enterprises, innovative start-ups, public and private research bodies and large enterprises. The cluster’s technological and operative areas are: energy and energy efficiency, water resources, circular economy, climate change, sustainable mobility and clean solutions.