A healthier and more sustainable EU food system is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal and one of the foci of the Green Growth Community. We are creating sustainable food environments that improve

lifestyles and the environment by boosting the efficient use of resources and by building food chains that works for consumers, producers, climate and the environment.



    Reinforcement of Mediterranean olive oil sector competitiveness through development and application of innovative production and quality control methodologies related to olive oil health protecting properties



    Clusters of Innovative Zero-km Agro-food Marketplaces for Growth. Testing and validating an advanced e-commerce solution to support small producers in MED territories characterized by agro-food excellences



    European Med-clusters Boosting Remunerative Agro-Wine Circular Economy. Development of a model and implementation of a toolkit for the establishment of transnational circular economy meta-clusters



    Metropolitan Agriculture for Developing an innovative, sustainable and Responsible Economy. Gathering key metropolitan and peri-urban agriculture stakeholders to encourage transnational cooperation in the MED area


  • PEFMED and PEFMED Plus

    Uptake of the Product Environmental Footprint across the MED agro-food regional productive systems to enhance innovation and market value. Fostering targeted systemic interventions to green the agrofood supply chain



    Green Growth through the capitalization of innovative Greenhouses. Promoting, disseminating & transferring innovative approaches for the establishment of efficient greenhouses in the MED area


Common Results

  • Training material in e-form about the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)  and phenolic compounds, the factors influencing the phenolic content of EVOO and a guide for the production of EVOO with high phenolic content;
  • ES-KPIs Economic and Social Key Performance Indicators to merge PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) with Social Footprint & Product Social Identity;
  • Methodology for transferring CAMARG project’s results;
  • Product Environmental Footprint Tool to facilitate the elaboration of PEF studies in the olive oil, bottled water and wine sectors;
  • Info-sheets – technological and management solutions for companies willing to improve their environmental and socio-economic profile;
  • Report containing a description of PEFMED project, a summary of all the pilot case studies performed and a final project position paper.