
  • CUEIM is a non-profit organization based on a network of 26 universities and a variety of businesses, as well as public and private institutions. Its activity includes study and research activities in order to support scientific dissemination and services in the field of training. CUEIM’s characterizing feature lies in its combination of scientific rigor and pragmatism in the context of an interdisciplinary approach.

    CUEIM holds a technical and scientific expertise in several Green Growth thematics: environmental economics, renewables and bio-energy, phytodepuration, valorisation of natural resources.

    Thanks to its vast network, CUEIM has access to technical resources that can increase the necessary and specific expertise required by Horizontal Projects. In addition it produces knowledge, innovation, highlights research and monitors scientific dissemination, communication and training activities in GG thematic, addressed to various stakeholders.

    CUEIM will transfer knowledge beyond MED boundaries giving emphasis to business and managerial potential of green growth.