
  • Risultati immagini per ea eco enterprises

    Éa éco-entreprises is a French cluster specialized in environmental and sustainable development with 138 members mainly based in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region, France.

    Founded in 1996, the network gathers a large set of complementary skills: research centers & universities, businesses as well as local authorities and NGOs.

    The cluster adopts today an integrated approach, by covering different but key thematic priorities: water, waste, polluted sites and soils, air quality, biodiversity, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and circular economy.

    Éa éco-entreprises aims at assisting its members at all stages of their economic development, with the objective to foster emerging innovative solutions to measure, prevent, minimize or compensate the impacts of human activities on the environment.

    The cluster activities are achieved through three strategic areas, including sustainable and competitive territories, life quality in the Mediterranean area, and stakeholders of transition. This has ensured the integration of concepts and technology that has benefitted the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region. Since 2010, Éa éco-entreprises has become the regional delegation of the Aqua-Valley (the national WATER cluster) in Provence Alps Côte d’Azur region.

    At a national level, Éa éco-entreprises is the vice-president of the Association for Promotion and Export Development of French Eco-technologies (PEXE) and also the representative of French SME-SMI at the French Water Partnership.” This means that we can promote our members with a common voice on the European stage.