All Food Systems in Acharnes

  • Training course material in e-form (ARISTOIL project)

    The ARISTOIL training course material in e-form provides an overview on Healthy value of VOO (vergin olive oil) and EVOO (extra vergin olive oil) and the Health claim associated to phenolic compounds (EU regulation). The document shows the results of analyzed samples and factors influencing phenolic content of EVOO. A decalogue for the production of EVOO with high phenolic content is also provided.

  • ARISTOIL family Platform (ARISTOIL project)

    ARISTOIL family is the platform sharing the values of ARISTOIL project with the aim to reach the following results: Training of 3,000 olive oil and olive oil producers Increasing knowledge for consumers Develop a standardized procedure for certifying the “Health Claim” Development of the ‘cluster’ of olive oil in the Mediterranean

  • Aristometro (ARISTOIL project)

    The Aristometro is a device which measures the health promoting phenolic compounds oleocanthal (anti-inflammatory) and oleacein (antioxidant), the most widely researched phenols in olive oil.

  • Guide for production and quality control of olive oil with increased health protecting properties (ARISTOIL project)

    A guide was developed by ARISTOIL after the study and the test phase in order to support producers and olive oil sector key players in the production of EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) with health protecting properties. The guidelines focus on the production of olive oil with a phenolic content that fits the health claim for polyphenol concentration (250 mg/kg).   Target group(s): General public  Download Documents: Guide for production and quality control of olive oil with increased health protective properties (English version) Guide for production and quality control of olive oil with increased health protecting properties  (Greek version) Guide for production and quality control of olive oil with increased health protecting properties  (Spanish version) Guide for production and quality control of olive oil with increased health protecting properties  (Italian version) See also the training course materials in e-form