Published: 21 June 2021 How can eco-innovation drive circularity in the Mediterranean?

The term “eco-innovation” basically boils down to a very familiar idea: innovation. But what does eco-innovation really mean? And what is the link between eco-innovation and a more circular economy, particularly in the Mediterranean region?

A wide range of initiatives and programmes suggest that innovation is key to enabling green growth. Eco-innovation and circular economy: are they two sides of the same coin?

Every day it is clearer – and more urgent – that we need to move away from the linear economy. The climate emergency together with the economic crisis bringing the region to its knees are basically a perfect storm: to avoid being hit by it, we need to make an eco-innovative transition a priority if we want a more sustainable future for the Mediterranean.


The latest article of the GGC has been republished as a news by the European Circular Economy Stakeholder platform (here) and Green Post (here).